Saturday, June 2, 2007

Azores Bound

Two days ago, on my father's May 31st birthday, my passport finally arrived in the mail. Over the past two months I have thought about my passport application on occasion....wondering how long it would take to arrive. But I had other things on my mind last week when I noticed the cardboard mailer on the kitchen counter. Thinking that something had come in the mail I hadn't ordered, I opened the mailer only to see the passport fall out -- much to my surprise and delight! Yipppeeee! It's now a reality, and only two short months away to the time my mother and siblings will be flying off on our "roots" trip to the explore our cultural heritage and all the important places central to the beginnings of our family. My sisters and I have created blog sites to keep our friends and family informed of our daily
"adventures". We will be taking you on a tour of our Island.... Terceira. We are looking forward to becoming Azores Island Girls! So....stay tuned! Our adventures are soon to begin!
