Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy Feet

Not too long ago the film "Happy Feet" won an Academy Award for best animated feature....It's my opinion, however, that Silverdale's "The" Tony Milan II deserves an award for creating the very happiest feet of all!

When informed that my mom, sisters and I would be having pedicures for our trip at Lisa's salon, Renaldo & Company, I was somewhat skeptical. Never having had a pedicure before, I wasn't sure what to expect. Two hours of pampering later, I'm sold! Our feet will be the softest and the prettiest in the Azores thanks to Tony!

My sisters and I ended our day of pampering at The Bistro in Silverdale where we sipped on peach martinis and toasted to our upcoming trip.

Two days and counting! My bag is packed, my toenails are painted, and I'm ready to take off skyward....anticipating the happy reunion that awaits us on our beautiful Terceira.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Voce fala portugues?

Do I speak Portuguese? Once upon a time when I was a little girl, I loved repeating phrases my mother tried to teach me in Portuguese. When I listen now to my childlike voice on those early cassette recordings I wish my parents had continued to teach me--all of us--the language of our "roots". Unfortunately, my mother was focused on learning the language of her new home in the United States and without family here to converse with, her native tongue was all but silenced in our home. Having taken Spanish classes in school, the rare times Mom did speak Portuguese with Dad or friends, I was able to pick up on some of the subtle similarities to the Spanish language. It was much easier to understand the words than to speak them myself. So in preparation for our big upcoming trip to the Azores I made a purchase online this afternoon; a small, compact book of practical phrases with pronunciation transcriptions and a bilingual glossary. I'm hoping that with my knowledge of Spanish and the pronunciation key contained in this travel book, I'll be able to study up and converse when we are shopping, dining out, or meeting new people. I'm excited for the book to arrive next week so I can begin to try out my rusty linguistic skills. Four weeks and counting....yikes! Maybe with a little practice I'll be able to say, "falo um pouquinho," I speak a little Portuguese!
