Sunday, May 13, 2007

* Mother's Day Musings *

Mother's Day 2007

Dear Sons,

It's hard for me to fathom at times that the three of you are now in your twenties. It doesn't seem all that long ago that I was twenty-something myself, with a life full of promise and adventure waiting ahead. Those early years were busy and full....with all the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of young motherhood.

Although there were challenging days, it was always a joy to be your mother! Watching you achieve the milestones of taking your first steps or saying your first words....those were the priceless moments that remain embedded in my mind and heart. It was my constant and fervent prayer that God would keep me healthy until each of you had safely reached adulthood, and God has been faithful to answer the prayer of a mother's heart.

I discovered a poem when you were little boys that seemed to be especially written for me.

To the Mother of a Young Son

Hold your breath but not his hand
When he climbs to the top of the tree.
You can't go too -- the journey's his
There's a lot of world to see.

He found a haven in your arms
But now he's on his own.
The track is there and he must run
And he must run alone.

The cord was cut when you gave him birth
They placed him near your heart.
Yours to guide, yours to love
And yours to watch depart.

-Shirley Taylor Lambert-

I have been blessed with the opportunity to love and guide you over the years. I ask your forgiveness for the many times I did not live up to all I should have been, for the times I've failed you, and for the mistakes I have made. Now it is now time for you to discover your own strengths, gifts, and talents and use them to make the world a better place. Trust in God and He will direct your paths.

I am so proud of each of you and so blessed to be your mother.

Love Always,


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