Thursday, August 2, 2007

Let the Festas Begin!

We finally arrived on Sao Miguel after numerous hours of flight and crossing several time zones. The flights were fairly smooth and uneventful, which was a good thing! We spent an entire day just traveling and so we were very tired upon our arrival. Because our inter-island flight was busier than expected, SATA airlines needed to leave some baggage behind. We didn't find out until we arrived at Lajes on Terceira that Teresa and I had suitcases left behind. Yikes! They were finally delivered later that evening by taxi service and we were greatly relieved to have our clothes and other essentials! It was wonderful meeting tios Elmiro and Armando, and tia Alice. We had "abracos" (hugs) all around! They have a beautiful home and we were made to feel most welcome!

After some sleep on Wednesday we finally made our way down to the town of Praia today. It has changed some since I was last here 27 years ago! The town has grown and there are many new and quaint homes that were built after the earthquake. We walked the cobbled streets and did some shopping today. We took pictures by the church where my parents were married, the home where my mother lived with her "tias", Mom's grade school, and the little sewing/alteration shop she worked in when she first caught my dad's eye! I can just imagine him peeking through the door and flirting with my cute mama!

Tomorrow Praia begins to gear up for the festas....which last from August 3-12. Workers are stringing lights up all over town. Many events will be taking place after the light ceremony tomorrow evening. There will be art events, dancing, food, and of course....bulls running on the beach! We'll have to see if my brothers can outrun them!

It's been more difficult finding internet service than we thought, but we finally found a wireless connection out by the marina. We hope to download more photos this evening and share them with you sometime during the next couple of days. So, stay tuned...more to come!

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