Sunday, March 18, 2007

* Gather Buttercups *

March 21, 2007 marks the two year anniversary of my beloved father's passing from this earthly life. As this bittersweet day approaches, I find myself reflecting on the motto that characterized his life...a personal philosophy that motivated him as a teacher, husband, father, and man. My father called his life's motto "Gather Buttercups." His motto has lived on in the hearts of his children and grandchildren and is a legacy we treasure and attempt to pattern in our own lives.

In nature, as in life, we often fail to note or appreciate the small, seemingly insignificant things around us. Stop! Observe! Appreciate! There is nothing special about a buttercup. It's only a weed. Or is it? Look again closely! Whether a flower or a weed depends on the observer. Whether in life or in nature, if we look for or expect weeds, that is what we find...that is what we see. To appreciate the buttercup is to recognize value in all things.

I am ever thankful to my dad for teaching me to open my eyes, focus on the positive, and seek out where buttercups bloom. I have been able to gather them into "bouquets" of experiences that have touched my life in very special ways. Each day I discover buttercups abounding....with my family, students, and the special friends who have blessed my life!

Thank you Dad for all your have been to me throughout my protector, my teacher, my rock, my counselor, my cheerleader, my Daddy Don, my friend. My life is all the richer because of you. Godspeed Dad. May God hold your spirit close until we meet again on that glorious day when we are raised imperishable. On that day, we will once again hold each other close and spend time together "gathering buttercups!"

Your Loving Daughter,


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