Sunday, March 25, 2007

* My Spiritual Birthday *March 28, 1999

My spiritual journey began as a very young girl; with my daddy at my bedside listening to my nighttime prayers. A treasured black and white photograph shows me kneeling beside the bed, my hands clasped in prayer to my Heavenly Father. My Daddy Don was a photography student at the time and captured that moment forever. I was only about three years old, but tender feelings of love for God began sprouting in my young heart at that time. I always knew God existed and was with me. I never doubted. Most young children come to God with a pure and unquestioning spirit. Maybe that is one reason God's word says we should come to Him "as a little child." Little children are accepting, innocent, trusting, loving, and seeking that same love in return. My love for God began here, but grew and matured over the course of my lifetime.

During my childhood I went to church regularly with my family. I always sought opportunities to draw closer to God. I went through my first communion and confirmation classes, attended neighborhood Bible studies, visited various churches at the invitation of school friends, and attended youth group activities. These events were all important in shaping me as a young person, but somehow I felt there was something missing in my relationship with God.

As an adult, I continued my search. I changed churches and started an intensive five-year Bible study program. I began to understand that to have a personal relationship with God the Father meant I needed a better understanding of his son, Jesus. God's word was opened up to me in a new way as I began to read about the life of Jesus with new "spiritual eyes"....I became a broken and contrite person. Something happened to my heart when I realized the price Jesus paid for the failings and sins of my own life; how He suffered and died because of His great love for me so that I would no longer have to pay that penalty myself. In love and gratitude and with flowing tears, I gave my heart and life to Him forever. I believe this was the defining moment in my spiritual journey. I now had a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. From this moment on, I would allow Him to lead me into His truth.

From that moment He has always been with me. He leads me, protects me, encourages me, inspires me, and because He loves me, sometimes has to chastise me. He has also brought people into my life to challenge and teach me. For the past ten years God has been chiseling away at my life; like a fine piece of marble. He has been shaping and molding me into a woman who can better serve Him. I am ever thankful to those "brothers and sisters" who have walked alongside me on life's teach me....walk with my friend. You know who you are. You know what you have meant to me. We have studied together, researched together, fellowshipped together, cried together, and laughed together. We are connected in a bond that can never be severed. We are part of God's own family! We are "forever friends."

As a result of this continuous journey, and the encouragement of my spiritual family, on March 28, 1999 I was lowered into that "watery grave" of baptism and rose a new woman in Christ.... Does this mean that I am perfect and no longer make mistakes? No. Does this mean that I have an advocate before the throne of Almighty God? Yes! Hallelujah....Praise God! I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus. He reigns today at God's right hand....and will come again....VERY SOON! The bride says, "Come Lord Jesus, Come!" Are you ready to meet the bridegroom? If you are not sure.... with the heart of a little child....ask Jesus to come into your life to forgive you and lead you into His Truth. He will! He promises! And His promises are true!

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart..." Jer. 29:12-13

May God bless you, protect you, and guide you as you continue your own spiritual journey!


A special "Happy Spiritual Birthday" to Eli J. Earl....March 26, 1988. Your journey has been a difficult one. Keep the faith! Jesus loves you! Thank you for being my forever friend!

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