Friday, March 30, 2007

* Remembering Cole *

Cole wearing a favorite red cap

March 31, 1994 - March 13, 2007

Every once in awhile a flame goes out too quickly. On March 13th just such a brilliant, glowing light flickered out -- making our world a little darker with its absence. This flame represented the life of Cole Baldwin. What can I say about this young man? What words can I share with you to help you understand the illumination that was his life?

I first met Cole in November. He was assigned to attend my reading group with several of his sixth grade classmates. It was my job to hold them accountable for the "conventions" of writing and the self-editing process. These particular students were selected to get a "boost" in preparation for junior high writing assessments next year. Having worked mainly with primary students, I was somewhat apprehensive about what to expect with this sixth grade group. My apprehension was short-lived, however. These students set to work and were diligent with every task assigned to them. They were proud of their accomplishments and expressed these sentiments to their sixth grade teacher. I am glad I had the honor and privilege of working with them....especially because of Cole.

Cole didn't just walk into a room....he made a grand entrance. He was a confident young man, comfortable in his own skin. Cole "marched to his own drummer." He had a wide selection of hats in his hat collection and would wear them to school with pride. He also liked to express himself with new and surprising changes to his appearance....such as the times when he shaved his head or sported a mohawk. He was just being Cole! At his recent memorial service, I discovered that Cole liked to run faster, climb higher, dive deeper. He was a kid who enjoyed living each day with zest and gusto; a kid who truly appreciated life. The church was filled with photos of Cole in action. Cole playing sports with his friends; Cole playing drums with his friends. Cole had a lot of friends! He was highly respected by his peers and was a friend to all.

Our school community was in a state of shock and grief as a result of this unexpected loss. When a student is alive and vibrant one day and suddenly gone the next, it comes as a devastating shock. We have been trying to find constructive ways to grieve and support one another, as well as Cole's family. We have been discussing ways to honor and remember Cole in the future.

We were told you slipped peacefully from this world, Cole. You had been quietly studying and getting ready for a new school day when the aneurysm occurred. Emergency surgery was performed, but you never regained consciousness....never awoke. Your family signed you up as an organ donor and because you lived, others will now live. This doesn't answer all the questions or lessen the pain of losing you, but it gives us some comfort knowing your flame will burn on and brighten the lives of others.

March 31st would have been Cole's 13th birthday. Thank you Cole, for the inspiration your young and short life was to me. As so often happens, the student often teaches the teacher. You taught me what it means to dare....dare to try....dare to live.... dare to be yourself; without reservation! As I live out my life I will try to remember the lesson you taught me.

Cole....Your light shines on. You are in my heart. I will always remember you! Godspeed!

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